This picture pretty much sums up the cabin. It is so beautiful there.

This picture sums up Phil: manly, cool, suave, and a lumberjack.

Oh how I love the aspens

This picture sums up Winston

Roasting mallows our last evening at the cabin

This picture comes from our hike to Scout Falls which ended up being way cooler than we expected

You can walk under the falls...

and see tropical flowers growing out of the walls!

What a handsome fellow

I made this with my mom and it was most incredible or as Phil would say: "Basically astounding." It had goat cheese in it. And mushrooms.

We made this too. Yes those are figs and those others things are panchetta. It is making me hungry just remembering the way it tasted and how we couldn't stop eating it.

My parents came to Utah to see my sister's performances with her modern dance company. We went to the performance at Liberty Park. It was super cool. That is her with the rolled up rug on her back. She is such a great dancer.

That evening we rode the chairlift at Sundance. So fun and the view from the top was great. You could see Robert Redford's ridiculous amount of property. I hope he leaves it to me when he is gone. We are good friends so he probably will.

Fearl and me

In honor of Neil's graduation with his masters degree from BYU we went out to a most tasty restaurant at Sundance.

Phil's dish is the only one I got a picture of. It was so full of good flavors!

Dinner pic!

The next day we went to the temple with my parents. What a good looking couple! I am so glad they came out for a visit. I wish we lived closer :(
so much fun! And the food looks/sounds amazing! Love goat cheese, mushrooms, figs, and pancetta....yum! There is a pizzaria in AZ that makes a pizza with figs and pancetta, I still dream about it! Love your blog!