

Monday, June 20, 2011

China: the second half of tour

There was some pollution in China. This was taken from outside our hotel window in Beijing. Yum.

After Beijing we traveled to Tianjin. At the conservatory they performed a concert on traditional instruments. It was so beautiful to experience their culture through music.

We had a taste of home late one night at Starbucks. We were pretty hyper due to our lack of sleep.

The beautiful building behind me is where we performed our second concert in Tianjin. A lot of the architecture in Tianjin was European influenced. I loved it.

The double reeds after our Tianjin concert. I miss you guys so much!

This signed cracked me up. Maybe it will do the same to you.

Fancy staircase in our only fancy hotel. We were so sad when we had to leave.

If you are from eastern Washington you will think this is funny.

Cool bridge in Shanghai

Ok this one requires some explanation. In China people asked to take pictures with us a lot. We were on a boat ride and got together for a group photo. Then, all of these people gathered to take pictures of us. And then I took a picture of them.

Me and Mandy in Shanghai

This guy was strolling around with his garden at midnight.

I love love love circle doors!

The beautiful West Lake in Hangzhou

China Philharmonic performing in Hangzhou. It was a great concert but the etiquette is SO different. We all enjoyed ourselves and had some laughs when the contra bassoonist played "if you're happy and you know it." Good times.

East tower in Guangzhou

Traditional Chinese instrument concert in Guangzhou. I want to learn all of these instruments.

We thought we stuck out too much so we bought some fake glasses.

Our concert was organized by communism.

Me, Kory, and Natasha after our final concert. This was also my last concert playing with Natasha since she is off to Indiana for grad school :( I know she will do great things but I already miss her so much. This tour was an incredible experience. Amazing country, wonderful people, and powerful music. It doesn't get much better than that.

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