Our Christmas celebrations started with the decorating of gingerbread people. This is the one I made that looks just like Phil skiing and holding a microphone.

This is the one Phil decorated of me holding an oboe.

These ones are clearly Josh and Jenna

And these ones are Maddy and the oompa loompa Jordan

I included this picture because I think it is really cute

The next weekend we surprised Phil with a birthday party! I like him a lot.

Lighting all
24 candles.

The guys

The birthday boy with the girls.

The very next day we had a BYU double reed Christmas party at my house. The food featured these lovelies: our own homemade turkey harvest croissant sandwiches. The Museum of Art cafe sells these and I found the recipe
here. The ingredient that makes these so delightful is the cream cheese spread that includes orange juice, pineapple juice, and cinnamon. Yum!

The party theme was Fleece Navidad, hence the beautiful onesies modeled by Lisa and Amanda.

Now I take you to Christmas Eve/Phil's birthday dinner in Kennewick, WA

Here is the other side of the table.

Here is a photo of us with Grandma Wright

Now I take you to a beautiful hike on Point Reyes in California. The hike goes through and elk reserve and we saw a lot of these beautiful animals.

This is the view at the end of the hike. How beautiful!

After a little trail running on sandy paths.

Here is a pic of Phil trail running.

The weather that day was SO perfect!

The sunset as we drive across the golden gate bridge

This is me in a rainforest.

Jellyfish are my new favorite animal.

This is an albino alligator.

China town!

All that remained of our dim sum dumplings were the wrappers.

This place was really delicious!

I liked the Hyde St. Pier. I felt like I was on the set of an old movie.

Doing the rice a roni. Notice our full arm extension. Good form.

Redwoods are so great. This was taken on another hike we went on with Jon.

On top of Mt. Tamalpais with San Fran in the distance.

The next morning we ran across the bridge and back. It was beautiful.

Setting up the rocket "Big Chief" at half moon bay.

I think Rischel looks like she is about to go do some kind of weather experiment.

This was a delicious addition to our new years feast. Here is the
recipe. I really need to make this again. It was so tasty!
Thank you so much to my WA family for being so much fun and to Rischel and Jon for also being so much fun and for letting us stay with you! It was an incredible Christmas break!