Phil gave me this great camera for Christmas. The brand is Lomography. I used to have a camera of this brand that was really sweet. I could change the color of the flash. This wasn't effective when I tried it with the black and white film... don't know what I was thinking. Unfortunately I lost this camera last fall and Phil surprised me with a new one for Christmas. The camera he gave me takes either square pictures or I can take two rectangular pictures on one negative. The good news is I can buy a flash for my camera that has the color-changing flash capability. These are the results from my trip to Dallas. I love taking pictures with this camera and I have much to learn, seeing as how these are the only pictures from a whole roll of film that actually turned out!

Gena, Phil, me, and Winston at the Dallas Nature Preserve where we took a New Year's Day walk. I guess I didn't wind the film all the way for the next picture and it got placed on this negative.

Phil and me. Sometimes it is refreshing when pictures aren't perfectly in focus.

Dallas in 2010

Phil's stomach? I don't remember taking this picture, but one of the mottos of the Lomography company is "shoot from the hip" which is what I must have done to achieve this picture. I like the lighting in this picture.

The Meyerson Concert Hall, designed by I. M. Pei.