

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mom Visit and Motherhood

My mom came to visit last week. We had so much fun!! We sewed, ate delicious food, and looked at baby clothes! At the end of the week we realized we hadn't taken a single picture (I blame this on not having an iPhone (if you see Phil tell him I need one)) so we had Phil take this one the night before she left. I was really sad when she left. I have never cried so hard over her leaving. I think this happened for a couple reasons: 1) I have never lived so far away from her (except for my semester abroad), and 2) next time she comes it will be to help with the baby, which means I have to have a baby first, the thought of which still really scares me (maybe I shouldn't have watched Call the Midwife...).

Lately I have been thinking a lot about becoming a mother (duh). As I have researched stuff to register for and thought about names I feel so unprepared for this. But then Mother's Day happened and the talks and lessons at church were about the importance of righteous women. And the children sang lovely songs that made me cry. And I watched this video (which also made me cry, I have been admitting to crying way too much in this blog post):

And after thinking about all of this, I feel so prepared spiritually for this to happen in my life. This is what I have always wanted. I know I have SO much to learn. But I am so excited to learn it. And I am thankful to have such a genuinely good husband by my side in this adventure of parenthood. 

I love looking in the closet and seeing little baby clothes hanging up. I love hearing his heart beat at my appointments. I love feeling the little kicks all day long. I love my bump and most of all I love the baby inside that makes it stick out a little more every day. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Marfa, TX

 Pictured above is an outdoor shower at El Cosmico. I was almost too disappointed to use it. But I did and accidentally used all the hot water so Phil had a cold outdoor shower. Sorry! 

 Our safari tent at El Cosmico. I was happy to move into a bigger tent for the night.

 We spent most of our Saturday on a tour of the Chinati Foundation. Parts of the tour are pictured below. I wish we would have had our camera with us the whole tour, but we were told cameras weren't allowed. And then our guide let the other tourers take photos the whole time. Let me just say it was an awesome exhibit. I highly recommend checking it out next time you pass through Marfa. Or make a trip to Marfa just to experience it.

After seeing a lot of Donald Judd's works we moved to a different building which house the works of John Chamberlain. I loved this space. I want to play a recital here someday.

Lunch break at Food Shark. The marfafalafels were to die for. 

These old POW work spaces are now permanently filled with Donald Judd's works. Loved the interiors. 

Exploring the cement works of Judd

Most delicious pizza and watermelon-lime freeze of my life at the...

 Pizza Foundation!

Drove to the McDonald Observatory for some...

observing through these telescopes. Stupid clouds made it hard to see anything but the moon. 

Phil packing up the tent for the final time. Good bye spring break 2013!